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Orthodontics FAQ

At What Age Should I Schedule my Child’s First Orthodontic Visit?

The length of time braces will need to be worn depends on two factors:

01. What needs correction? The amount of treatment needed to correct a problem will determine how long the process takes. Different patients react to treatment differently, so while it may take one patient 12 months to complete treatment, it may take another patient 24 months. Treatment times can vary depending on how the body responds and how much work is needed

02.You! Your willingness to use the appliances plays a major role in the length of time it takes to complete treatment. Always remember to take care of your braces (help your child take care of their braces) and appliances. This will help make treatment shorter and more enjoyable!

Does my Child Need to See the Dentist During Their Ortho Treatment?

Yes! Regular dental visits (every 6 months) for cleanings are important during orthodontic treatment. If your child struggles with brushing or has a history of tooth decay, you should bring them in every three months during active treatment.

What Foods Should be Avoided While Wearing Braces?

Avoid sticky, chewy foods (hard candy, licorice, chewing gum, caramel, etc.) as well as very crispy or crunchy foods (chips, ice, popcorn, hard pretzels, pizza crust, etc.). These foods can damage braces and wires, causing avoidable repair appointments and even increasing the length of treatment.

To give you a helping hand, we’ve developed a handy printable graphic that illustrates which foods to avoid as well as which foods your child can enjoy during their orthodontic journey.

Do Braces/Orthodontics Hurt?

Braces do not often hurt though your child may feel a small amount of discomfort afterwards but this is usually very short-lived. For the first few days they also may feel some tightness as their mouth and teeth adjust to the change. Over the counter pain medications (like Tylenol) can help to alleviate any soreness, but are usually unnecessary.

Have More Questions?

Reach out to our orthodontic office today! We are always happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child’s orthodontic treatment.