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First Visit

First Visit

Make Your First Dental Visit Fun and Easy

We feel that it’s important for parents to familiarize their children with our practice and staff before their first visit. At KD Orthodontics, we pay particular attention to your child’s comfort and convenience (just look around). Our office is designed just for kids so they will feel comfortable when they come in, and our endless selection of games, toys, and children’s movies will help take their minds off the “dentistry side of things”. We’ve provided a few tips below to help you empower your kiddos to ensure they have a happy, positive experience every time they come to see us!

Start ‘em Off Young

Children should see a dentist for the first time by their first birthday. Even if your kiddo doesn’t have many (or any) teeth yet, it’s important to have their mouth evaluated by a specialist. Be consistent with their check-ups (every six months) so it becomes a normal, comfortable part of their routine.

Be Positive and Upbeat

Children can often feel their parent’s anxiety about visiting the dentist. Remember you are your child’s biggest support through this entire experience! Stay positive and calm. Reassure your child that you will be nearby at all times. For young kids, don’t be direct or specific about the details. Avoid sharing words like “hot, poke, hurt, pull” before the appointment.

Schedule Smart

Select an appointment time that best suits your child’s schedule (ideally during the time of day when your child is most alert and rested). Helpful hint: Small children often do best during morning appointments instead of late in the evening.

Manage Expectations

You can make your child’s visit to the dentist enjoyable and positive. If old enough, your child should be informed of the visit and told that the dentist and their team will explain all procedures and answer any questions. Show them photos of our fun, colorful office and pictures of our amazing, friendly staff to help them know exactly where they’re going and what to expect!